Eric Yarnik

Director, Search & Social Advertising

  • Childhood Dream Job: Power Ranger
  • Secret Talent: Eating Ice Cream
  • Celebrity Crush: Rihanna
  • Wishes He Could Visit: Middle Earth

4 Things to Look at When You’re New to a Google Ads Account

Whether you’re fresh on the job or you’re taking over a paid search account, it can be difficult to wrap your head around a new Google Ads account. After all, there are so many elements to take in.

Missed the Google Marketing Live Keynote? Here’s What You Need to Know

On Tuesday, July 10th,Google live-streamed their annual Google Marketing Live keynote. This live stream details many initiatives and features that are coming to the recently rebranded Google Ads platform.

What Facebook’s Move to Shut Down Partner Categories Means for You

Amid the ongoing discussions of Facebook’s data collection and use of personal data, the tech giant announced that it is sunsetting the ad targeting option Partner Categories. This feature allowed Facebook advertisers to target users through audience targets supplied by third-party data …

Get the Lowdown on the New Snapchat Advertising

There are a number of social media channels to advertise on, and Snapchat is making a concerted effort to be one of the top options in this crowded field.

What You Need to Know About the AdWords Daily Budget Update

In the midst of all of the AdWords updates—you know, the new AdWords experience and the expanding impact of Google Brain—Google made a sudden announcement at the beginning of October 2017. Campaigns can now potentially spend up to twice the set daily budget. Yes, you read that right.

A Quick Overview of the New AdWords Experience

Back in January 2017, Google started slowly rolling out what they dubbed “the new AdWords experience.” Sounds fancy, but what does it actually mean?

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