Technical SEO

Worried about how your website is ranking? We got you.

Let us handle the behind-the-scenes. Perfect Search’s Technical SEO services keep your site indexing and ranking smoothly.

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Our SEO Services

Technical SEO, as the name implies, is about the technical side of your website. Even the most well-written copy might as well be worthless if crawlers and search engines have a hard time finding, navigating, and indexing your site. That’s where technical SEO comes in.

Curious what a technical SEO checklist looks like? Here’s what we like to tackle on our projects:

  • Robots.txt and Directives
  • XML Sitemap and Crawl Budget
  • Internal Linking and Navigation
  • Crawl Errors and Redirects
  • Indexing Reviews
  • Duplication Issues and Canonicals
  • Schema Markup

Technical SEO ensures that crawlers aren’t wasting time on your site, letting them know what’s valuable and how to find it. And with prominent search engines releasing algorithm updates daily (usually unannounced) having strong technical health can play a huge behind-the-scenes role in allowing your website to rank.

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Our SEO clients saw a 48% increase in indexed website pages from 2023 to 2024

Why Work With Us

Although these projects can sound complex, Perfect Search makes technical SEO easy. Our digital marketing experts immediately start on a site health audit and technical SEO projects to ensure your site’s foundation is strong. By following technical best practices, you’ll be sure to appear in front of potential and returning customers on Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.

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How We’ve Helped

How We’ve Helped

Shooting for Success: BEEFing Up Your Marketing Reporting Calls

To offset the chances of missing those important in-game opportunities after a foul (and to offset the embarrassing taunts of the seemingly prodigal players) the coaches taught us BEEF. It’s a silly acronym that resonated deeply and helped me improve my chances of adding points for the team under the pressure of watchful eyes. 

As I’ve grown, I’ve noticed how BEEF can be applied to so many areas of life, especially work and reporting calls by a marketing team. Let me tell you how.

Google’s SEO Surprise: About the November 2021 Core Update

A few weeks ago, SEOs got an early holiday gift of sorts from Google: the November 2021 Core Update.  Keep reading to learn everything we know about this update, how it differs from other updates this year, and what its effects can mean for you and your websites. What Is the November 2021 Core Update? 

Perfect Search Wins TWO Vega Awards!

We’re so excited to announce that Perfect Search won TWO 2021 Vega awards for best copywriting and SEM campaign. The Vega Digital Awards recognize work by professionals and agencies in the international digital communication industry. Entries are judged by experienced, senior-level digital media professionals drawn from many nations. Perfect Search received a gold award for our

Ready to Get to Work?

Every website, no matter how big or small, can benefit from strong SEO and knowledgeable content. Our team is here to help you and your team meet your goals.