Posts by Alex Straley

Are SEO & Content Marketing Two Separate Strategies?

If you’re trying to decide what kind of online marketing company you want to work with to help catapult your company to the top, then you may have already done some research on recent trends in online marketing. One discussion that you may have seen come up a few times is the idea of content …

How to Create Custom Reporting in Google Analytics to Determine Page Value

I was working with an e-commerce client recently who asked me why people weren’t buying more products. While there are many possible explanations, my first thought relating to things I could directly control was their call to action. Because we wanted fast results, I needed to figure out which …

Are Bounce Rates Always Bad?

I think that bounce rates get a bad rap. I do always prefer a low bounce rate to a high one, but sometimes a high bounce rate isn’t such a bad thing.  Let’s dig in to what a bounce rate is a bit.

A Beginner’s Guide to A/B Testing

A/B testing is a way to compare your original page (your “A” page) against one or more alternative versions of the page (your “B” “C” etc. pages.) A/B testing allows you to randomly assign visitors to your test pages, which means that you can actually run statistical analyses on the way they …

Google vs. DuckDuckGo

As you all are likely aware, there has been a recent concern over privacy since it was revealed that the NSA was compiling private information about people using information taken from companies like Google.  Whether or not these concerns will have any lasting effect is difficult to say, but there …

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