Enrollments in higher education programs are trending down. Colleges are feeling the impact of falling birth rates, increasing tuition costs, and concerns about inflation or loans. Amid declining enrollment rates, the competition for attention for higher education programs continues to rise.
Content marketing has evolved considerably over the years, and it’s imperative for businesses to stay updated on the latest trends. To keep your audience engaged and drive growth, let’s explore the types of content marketing that can amplify your success this year.
Even with impeccable content and strategic SEO, many neglect a powerful boosting strategy: author bios. They’re not just formalities but pivotal assets, often under appreciated.
17 Ways Writers Can Compete With ChatGPT and Generative AI
What Are the Implications of Using ChatGPT for SEO?
Starting any new marketing leadership role is intimidating—transitioning to a new team with new faces, learning industry-specific policies, and familiarizing yourself with the overall goals of your new organization takes time and effort. And that’s only for a “traditional” marketing role.