How Your Enterprise Business Can Make the Most of a Digital Marketing Agency

So maybe you’re the Director of Marketing at an enterprise business. Or you’re the Head of Business Development. Perhaps you’re in charge of advertising relations. No matter your title, if you’re the liaison between your enterprise business and your digital marketing agency, this is a must-read.
It can be hard to balance your internal responsibilities and make sure you’re getting the most out of your agency relationship. I’ve compiled a few tips about how to make the most of your relationship with your digital marketing agency.
1) Use them to educate
Whether you’re the CMO looking for buy-in from the senior leadership or the digital marketing specialist who understands how important SEO is but need help convincing your boss, let your digital marketing agency do the heavy lifting.
Your agency should be up-to-date on current digital marketing trends and relevant industry knowledge. (What’s the new mobile-first index, you ask? We know.)
Ask them to present on the why behind digital marketing and watch your life get a little bit easier. If your agency is unwilling to do this, maybe it’s time to try someone new. (I’ve heard we’re available.)
2) Implement their suggestions
This sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s *so* important that your digital marketing agency’s suggestions or updates are enacted upon. After all, you’re paying them for their knowledge. Shouldn’t you take advantage of it?
If you already have buy-in from senior leadership on your agency’s optimizations, the next step is to make sure that the development team is on the same page. One of the major hurdles in an agency-enterprise relationship is implementation.
For SEO, agencies often make amazing recommendations—but they need your development team to implement them. Make sure that there is clear communication between the dev team and your agency.
Once you get that clear channel of communication and everyone’s priorities are aligned, you’ll surely see an improvement on the return you’re getting from your investment with an agency.
3) Test new channels
When you’re a large company, sometimes being nimble is hard. We understand that. But if your agency recommends that you start advertising on Facebook for the first time, take a risk and try it. You might just find you fly instead of fall.
If you have a good relationship with your agency, you know that your priorities are aligned and that you can trust their advice. They are the experts after all, so it’s worth at least testing their suggestions. Isn’t that the whole reason you have an agency in the first place?
Now, maybe you have a digital marketing agency relationship, but you don’t think that these tips are going to help. If that’s the case, it might be time to dump them. We’ve heard Tinder is so last year, so why not just skip the awkward search and get in touch?
Don’t forget to check out the PPC metrics your enterprise business should never, ever overlook.

Rachel originates from Kansas City, Missouri (go Royals!). She grew up riding her horse Tinkerbelle and she has a secret knack for making really authentic puppy noises. Two of her greatest wishes? Driving a Tesla and becoming fluent in Russian.