A Message from Perfect Search Concerning COVID-19
We first want to begin by extending our warmest well wishes as we all do our best to get through this difficult time. Perfect Search recently celebrated our 10 year anniversary and this has allowed for significant reflection about what really matters. The safety of our community (our team, clients, and beyond) has always been and remains our top priority.
In keeping with the Center for Disease Control & Prevention’s COVID-19 best practices, we’ve moved to a fully remote work culture and will do so until further notice. Perfect Search has always worked from home on Fridays and, since the last quarter of 2019, we transitioned to working from home up to three days a week.
This has set us up to perform this transition without any hiccups and we continue to provide high-quality, personalized digital solutions for all our clients. Moreover, we remain a strong team that supports one another not just as colleagues but as people sharing a similar lived experience.
Our goal remains to help marketers in whatever ways we can. We will continue to share content involving digital marketing strategies and tips on how we’ve figured out how to make working from home as easy as walking into the office. We’ve been working, also, to keep an eye on the marketing landscape and pivot our strategies to be mindful of the current global climate. We look forward to helping you in whatever way we can.
Please feel free to reach out to any member of our team. We thank you for visiting us and hope you’re staying safe, too.
All the very best,
Ajay Pattani & The Perfect Search Team

Ajay Pattani is a lifelong resident of Chicagoland and is fiercely passionate about his white wine. If he could be a spokesperson for any product, it would have to be white wine. Ajay says if he could be good at one thing, it would be reading minds. If you could read his now, he’d most likely be thinking about white wine.