5 Trends in Digital Marketing for Arts & Crafts Shops
Looking to grow your audience and attract new users to your arts and crafts business? No problem! I’ve compiled my top five digital advertising pieces of advice and ideas to try out.
1. Collection Ads on Facebook
The best advertisement accomplishes two things: it increases a general user’s interest in crafting by grabbing the user’s attention and inspiring them to start a new project. Then, once you’ve got the user’s attention, the next most important step is to provide them with the exact information and products they will need to make their inspiration a reality.
Collection ads allow you to do just that— inspire users with a beautiful finished work of art, while providing all the necessary parts to users so they can create something similar of their own.
Ad preview:
These ads are remarkably powerful at both increasing market interest for users at the top of the consumer funnel and driving direct purchases to users already in-market for your business at the bottom of the funnel.
2. Utilize Product-Specific Creative!
If your arts and crafts store offers a multitude of different products and services, it’s easy to forget the need to stay specific to your advertising. While generic display ads may increase your brand awareness more than a product-specific ad, product-specific ads are intuitively much more likely to:
- Increase the base demand for your business’ products
Clearly display specific examples of what you sell.
We’ve found that displaying actual products in our e-commerce ads tends to drive a higher CTR and CVR than generic ads or promotions.
Based on our findings, for example, we would expect the ad on the left to outperform the ad on the right because it explains more about specific product offerings. While there may be more on sale as a part of Michael’s Daily Deals than just yarn, the ad on the left keeps it simple and lets the product take center stage— it directly shows the user that they can save on yarn right now.
3. Advertise On Google Shopping
E-commerce businesses should consider testing out Google Shopping. We typically find the highest purchase intent for new customers here and the lowest CPCs. That all equates to a strong return on ad spend and a great investment for your business’s new customer acquisition and retention.
As an additional pro tip: we’ve seen huge improvements in our Google Shopping ROAS and scaling by testing Google’s smart campaigns for shopping. Be sure to test this out on your business!
4. Find A YouTube Influencer
There are hundreds of influencers on YouTube that are teaching everyone from complete novices to experienced veterans how to create art. By nature of users seeking out these videos on their own and trying to learn, this content is highly engaging and influencers have the power to become authority figures and highly trusted product guides. Your company can benefit from reaching out and teaming up with influencers to get your products or brand mentioned in their videos or link descriptions.
And if you’re unable to work something out, you always have the option to create your own video or banner ads, and target their videos and channels to reach consumers that way!
5. Test out Pinterest!
Art, Art Supplies, & Hobbies was reported to be the most popular category on Pinterest in 2017 according to Statista. There are an estimated 32.4 million pinners with an interest in DIY Projects and 26.4 million pinners interested in Fabric Crafts to target, not to mention the hundreds of relevant search queries you can go after.
The arts & crafts demographic is there. It’s up to your business to invest the time in testing the right messaging with the right audiences to grow your business here.

Drew Gorenz is a Northwestern University graduate who loves any Northwestern-related sport. He wishes he could do a spontaneous spit take. Drew’s favorite drinks are absinthe or water. One day he might be able to do a spit take with absinthe.