Stephanie Castillo

Senior Manager, SEO & Content

  • Favorite Candy: Raisinets
  • First Job: Worked at a zoo
  • Superpower of Choice: To be super fit all the time—but still be able to eat as many cheese curds as she wants
  • Weirdest Thing She’s Ever Eaten: Alpaca

5 Local SEO Best Practices Your Business Needs to Follow

Do you have a small business or a company with multiple brick-and-mortar locations? If so, it’s imperative that you’re actively optimizing your website using local SEO strategies. Local SEO tactics include everything from claiming a business listing to managing online ratings and reviews.

A 7-Step Technical SEO Checklist for 2019

Building a strong technical foundation is the backbone of any successful SEO strategy. There’s no time like the present to take a step back and look at how your website’s organic performance can be improved.

A Guide to Mobile SEO in 2019

Now that the mobile-first index is officially over half of the search engine results page, focusing on mobile optimization for your site is more important than ever before. Since Google will likely be using the mobile versions to rank, it’s so important to ensure that your site follows mobile best …

Your Study Guide for the Google College Search Feature

In June, Google rolled out a new feature to help students navigate the college search process. When searching for information on a college, prospective students typically have to scour the website for potential factors such as admissions requirements, tuition costs, and student body demographics.

A Guide to the New Google Search Console Index Coverage Status Report

A few months ago, Google rolled out a new Search Console with plenty of new features for webmasters to explore. In this post, we’ll specifically be exploring the Index Coverage Status Report and how SEO enthusiasts can use the report to glean plenty of juicy insights into their sites or their …

5 SEO Lessons from Game of Thrones

If you’re anything like the rest of America, you’ve spent your Sunday nights watching HBO’s Game of Thrones for the last 7 years.

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