Picture this: A marketing professional spends their lunch hour scrolling mindlessly through Instagram while chomping on a sandwich. Within seconds, a perfectly targeted ad catches their eye—a productivity tool promising to streamline their workflow. Without a second thought, they click “Buy Now.”
Tuna, Lil Bub, Doug the Pug, Marnie, and the well-known Grumpy Cat. You know them, you love them, and so do millions of others. They all have their own books, toys, and a combined 10.6 million followers. These pets all have something in common, and it’s not just that they’re cute. It all comes …
A changing of the seasons is upon us. Summer brings warmer temps, rooftop bars, and—sometimes—unpredictable storms. (Trust me, I’m from Florida, I would know.)
Over 150 million people use Snapchat every day. Every single day, Snapchat users watch over 10 billion videos and spend an average of 25-30 minutes on Snapchat.
Social media has come a long way since you befriended Tom on Myspace. Long gone are the days when “social media” just meant posting on a friend or family member’s wall. As social media has evolved, so has advertising.
Non-profits might not seem like a beacon of digital marketing inspiration—but inspiration can come from the most unlikely places. Over the past few months, non-profits have pushed their marketing efforts into high gear. And we’re taking notice.