5 Enrollment Boosting Tips for Higher Education Ad Campaigns

Higher education marketing presents unique challenges. Learn essential tips on optimizing your campaign and increasing enrollments for your school.

Your Guide to Choosing (And Designing!) the Best Landing Page

Let’s get real. There are a lot of elements to consider when creating a landing page. 

What’s the Difference Between Google’s 3 Advertising Brands?

A few months ago, Google announced the end of AdWords and the introduction of new brands: Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform, and Ad Manager.

Your Study Guide for the Google College Search Feature

Check out our handy-dandy guide to the new Google College Search knowledge panel feature.

HTTP VS. HTTPS: Our Advice for Non-Secure Websites

In case you missed it, Google’s been pushing for HTTPS updates for a while now.

Blurred Lines: How YouTube Sponsorships Confuse Reality with Advertising

YouTube audiences don’t tolerate insincere sponsorships from content creators. They came to YouTube for videos from real people—and breaking that trust has consequences.

Facebook & Instagram Rolled Out a Time-Tracking Feature

Facebook & Instagram rolled out a time-tracking feature. Finally, something that tells us how much time we’ve spent scrolling…

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