A potential customer searching for “pizza delivery” exhibits different intent from someone searching “best pizza restaurants.” One signals immediate purchasing intent, while the other indicates browsing behavior. Yet businesses persist with uniform SEO strategies, missing opportunities to connect with ready-to-buy prospects. SEO investments require an additional focus: local search intent. Success in local search depends
With more and more features updating Facebook and Twitter every few months, it’s clear that the platforms want to move far beyond their original missions. In fact, it seems as if both Facebook and Twitter are striving to become the one all-encompassing social media platform to end all platforms. And yet, by doing so, they’re becoming more and more similar to each other.
To truly understand how visitors are using your website you need to be taking advantage of Google Analytics’ events tracking feature. In my opinion, an event is most complicated Analytics goal to set up, which causes many users to shy away from them. Never fear!
So your Google AdWords campaign is maxing out daily due to a small budget. You’re worried about costs and can’t increase your budget any further. Where do you go from here?
Although Google’s algorithms are far more complicated today, links still matter. They might not matter quite as much as they did ten years ago, but they’re still an essential component of any SEO strategy.
Since that day, I’ve been blessed with travel opportunities to Dubai, Nicaragua, Panama, Argentina, and Mexico. I was able to set up meetings with local entrepreneurs and CEOs in each of these amazing countries and receive invaluable advice.