Paige Dickey

Senior Analyst, Search & Social Advertising

  • Favorite Midnight Snack: Pizza, always pizza
  • Hobbies: Painting, making jewelry, and walking on the beach
  • What She’d Want on a Desert Island: Her cat, coffee, and sunscreen
  • Favorite Fictional Universe: The Harry Potter universe

Your Social Strategy Can Win With Facebook Ads: Here’s How & Why

Utilizing Facebook Ads for your business allows for far-reaching impact, creative flexibility, and so much more. Your strategy can win and crush its goals with Facebook Advertising, and here’s how:

Key Elements of Successful B2B Marketing Strategies

From small novelty products to massive software contracts, every business needs a unique marketing strategy. The best marketing strategies are closely aligned with the individual target audiences and business goals, especially when it comes to business-to-business (B2B) marketing.

What Quantum Theory Can Teach Us About Marketing

Marketing experts and quantum physicists may have very different professions, but the theories that both have are strikingly similar! 

3 Quick Optimizations to Get Your Google Ads Account In Shape!

The year is still fresh and new, but statistically, by January 19th most of us have already abandoned our New Year’s Resolutions. Creating strong and lasting habits, like getting back in shape, is no easy feat—unless you’re talking about your Google Ads account!

3 Reasons Your Non-Profit Should Consider Google Ads

In the increasingly crowded landscape of digital advertising, getting your company’s foot in the door can feel intimidating.  And when it comes to organizations like nonprofits, this challenge might seem more daunting due to the costs associated with digital advertising and channel complexity.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Our digital marketing services will take your business to the next level.

Start your journey with a free site audit.