5 Enrollment Boosting Tips for Higher Education Ad Campaigns

Between fluctuating academic calendars, elaborate decision-making journeys, and a multitude of programs to promote, higher education marketers have their work cut out for them. 

Optimizing your campaign demands constant adaptation to meet the needs of students throughout the year, which can be …

Marketing During a Recession—How to Ride Out an Economic Decline

When the economy slides into a downturn, one of the first things businesses do is cut costs, either in response to or in anticipation of decreased profits. The marketing department is often one of the first departments cut. Why?

Top of Funnel Marketing: Why You Can’t Cut Spend on Ads That Don’t Immediately Convert

How do you measure digital marketing success? By conversions, of course—those qualified leads, purchases, applications, enrollments, and other actions that make your business money. However, measuring exactly where those conversions come from is much harder than it looks. Which of your marketing …

The 5 Things You Better Be Doing Now in Your Responsive Search Ad Strategy

While you can still run expanded text ads in your current Google Ads campaigns, as of this summer, you can’t create new ads or edit old ones. To put it in the words of the great Hilary Duff, expanded text ads are so yesterday. This makes your responsive search ad strategy especially relevant. 

How to Evaluate Your Marketing Agency and In-House Team for Better Results

A good marketing agency or internal team can be a catalyst for business growth and help scale your organization to new heights…or they can actually slow your organization’s growth by stubbornly clinging to outdated marketing tactics or not aligning marketing campaigns with business goals.

Benchmark Marketing: A Painless Framework for Setting KPIs That Work for You

Digital marketing can be a powerful way to drive new customer acquisition—but with numerous marketing metrics to track, competitors to monitor, ads to create, and audiences to target, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of information. You need a simple digital marketing benchmarking system to …

Beyond the First 90 Days: A Marketing Plan for Your First Year

Picture this: you just got a new job, read our blog post on how to create a 30-60-90 day marketing plan, and your first three months of performance were so good you shocked your boss(es).

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