9 Intelligent SEO Tips for Higher Education Marketing

Attracting prospective students to higher education institutions is more challenging than ever. Every aspect requires careful strategy, from reaching out to students, inspiring them to explore educational opportunities, and guiding them through enrollment. 

This article provides actionable …

Increase Conversions Without Increasing Spend (Without Magic)

You finally created a beautiful new website for your business with all the bells and whistles. Plus, your new site looks stunning on desktop and mobile formats alike. But there’s one problem.

Your Definitive Guide to Identifying Duplicate Content

12 hours of reality television? Sure. 38 bags of gummies? Gimme. And 86 frozen pizzas? Get in my belly. These are unequivocal cases of where more simply is better.

5 Awesome A/B Testing Ideas to Boost Your E-Commerce Conversions

Have you ever gone online shopping, only to find out that you can’t find the checkout button?  Maybe you’ve looked through photos of products and found them unappealing? If done poorly, these seemingly simple elements of a website make any e-commerce site lose conversions. Fortunately, A/B testing …

How to Master Higher Education Marketing: Why It’s Time to Go Digital

Do you remember what it was like when you were looking at schools? Did you ask your family and friends where they attended? Did your parents attend a prestigious school and influence you to follow in their footsteps? Did friends encourage you to forge your own educational path?

The 6 Most Common Site Migration Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them!)

It’s been months of work. Countless meetings discussing colors, layouts, navigation bars, and URL structures. You’ve realized that you really do have strong feelings on hamburger menus, and you’ve strained your eyes from poring over a sea of mockups.

A Cheat Sheet to Acing the Google Knowledge Graph

Like Chicago’s unpredictable weather, Google is constantly changing. Since its inception, Google’s search engine results page, or SERP, has undergone countless transformations (read up about the most recent SERP changes!), often causing anxiety for SEOs and digital marketers alike.

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