9 Intelligent SEO Tips for Higher Education Marketing

Attracting prospective students to higher education institutions is more challenging than ever. Every aspect requires careful strategy, from reaching out to students, inspiring them to explore educational opportunities, and guiding them through enrollment. 

This article provides actionable …

5 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Many of our prospective clients approach us with the same problem: their websites can’t manage to rank highly on search engines despite their best efforts.   

Google’s 3 Strikes: How to Keep Your Ads Safe

Rolling out quality ads is like going up to bat in a baseball game.

Perfect Search Wins TWO Vega Awards!

We’re so excited to announce that Perfect Search won TWO 2021 Vega awards for best copywriting and SEM campaign.

23 Google Ranking Factors You Should Know About

It’s speculated that over 200 different ranking factors determine a site’s performance on Google’s search engine results page (SERP). Some of these factors, such as domain authority, user experience, and click-through rate, are incredibly important to your page’s performance on the Google SERP.

The 4 Key Rules of Landing Page Design

When companies develop their online paid advertising or website strategies, many forget one key aspect: the landing page. 

How To Make Your Digital Marketing Data Work For You

Data is everywhere. It’s quite literally in our DNA, and it powers everything we do. Needless to say, it’s kind of a big deal, especially in the world of digital marketing.

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Our digital marketing services will take your business to the next level.

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