With recent reports that marketing spend in the display network will overtake spend on the search network on 2016, you might be wondering how this is possible. Most within the digital marketing industry would agree that search and social advertising are generally higher priority and higher …
Email marketing isn’t quite an art, but it’s pretty darn close. In order to have a successful B2B marketing campaign, you have to be creative and patient–like any of the great artists! Vincent Van Gogh was known for his patience, right? Even though a B2B email might not contain flashy …
In the days before I joined the Perfect Search team, I worked for a consumer specialty coffee event. Because we knew digital advertising could provide a competitive ROI on ad spend and our team had some familiarity of Facebook’s Ad Manager, we built a few campaigns targeting users in our …
While they may be known for their Netflix binge-watching and hipster aesthetic, millennials make up a group of emerging consumers that your advertising campaign should pay attention to. If you’re one of many business owners asking yourself how to reach these seemingly apathetic, …
Five stars. Two thumbs up. A+. If you read glowing testimonials about a business that include these positive remarks, it’s fair to say that you’d be more interested in that business. In fact, a 2013 study found that 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
If you’re part of a startup, I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times – you should be investing in digital marketing. The startup environment is permeated by the feeling that you always need to be doing everything. Fire on all cylinders! You should definitely devote a large budget to advertising …