How to Optimize Your Online Presence When Looking for a Job
So you’re looking for a new job. Yay! Okay, okay. I know that no one enjoys job searching. It can be confusing and frustrating to apply for jobs online.
Between fluctuating academic calendars, elaborate decision-making journeys, and a multitude of programs to promote, higher education marketers have their work cut out for them.
Optimizing your campaign demands constant adaptation to meet the needs of students throughout the year, which can be …
So you’re looking for a new job. Yay! Okay, okay. I know that no one enjoys job searching. It can be confusing and frustrating to apply for jobs online.
Back in January 2017, Google started slowly rolling out what they dubbed “the new AdWords experience.” Sounds fancy, but what does it actually mean?
Now that you’ve studied up on all you need to know about the early stages of the higher education sales funnel, it’s time to hit the books on how to achieve your end goals: applications, enrollment, and beyond. (Well, the metaphorical books, A.K.A. this blog post.) Let’s go!
Did you know that a shark can detect a fish’s heartbeat before it attacks? Or that cheese is the most stolen food in the world? (Thanks for those dinner party facts, Google.) With massive amounts of information available at the swipe of a screen, we’re constantly processing new information. …
Google+ is over (except for this surprisingly active pepper lovers community)—but Posts on Google are in.
A little less than a year ago, Google officially rolled out expanded text ads (ETAs) to advertisers. This came after the tech giant announced several AdWords changes at their annual Performance Summit in May of 2016.