Don’t make the mistake of cutting important marketing spend during a recession. Position yourself to come out stronger than your competitors. Here’s why driving brand awareness and using top-of-the-funnel marketing is crucial during an economic decline.
Cutting spend to ad campaigns that target earlier stages in the marketing funnel could be a mistake. Here’s why you need to give awareness ads a chance to actually work.
In the world of SEO, what people search for online matters. To search engines today, though, that’s an understatement. Why? Enter: semantic search. Keep reading to learn more about semantic search, how long it’s been around, and why it still matters today for search engines and SEOs. What Is Semantic Search? Semantic search is all
To put it in the words of the great Hilary Duff, expanded text ads are so yesterday. This makes your RSA strategy especially relevant. Follow these tips and you could make your ads cheaper by the dozen.
In my 15+ years working in digital media sales, I’ve talked to a lot of decision-makers. Through these conversations, I’ve learned a lot about what these CEOs and CMOs are looking for in their digital agency.